Harnessing the power of research to learn and generate new insights, enabling the arts community to be strategic, focused and adaptive.
A collaborative support organization that takes a community based approach to providing diverse parties with the context and connections needed to enhance the equitable mobilization of arts and culture research. By convening cultural workers and academics, Mass Culture provides a platform for knowledge to be explored, widely understood, and mobilized.
To find out more about Mass Culture’s origins, watch the video below.
By circulating robust, inclusive research through a healthy network, Mass Culture will deepen the capacity of communities to develop an interconnected Canadian arts sector, empowered to reflect and make informed decisions towards a future in which the arts sector in Canada can thrive.
Mass Culture is committed to ensuring all communities have the ability to mobilize and benefit from arts and culture research.
Mass Culture is dedicated to recognizing, undertaking and disseminating professional research that is relevant to the Canadian arts community. By convening cultural workers and academics, Mass Culture provides a platform for knowledge to be explored, widely understood, and mobilized.
Mutual Respect: Engaging cultural pluralism and diverse perspectives through the work
Access: An ongoing practice of defining and improving access with communities
Decent Work: Implement and evaluate Mass Culture’s decent work practices in service to the sector, our team(s), and each employee
Reconciliation and Relationship Development: Making collaborative action toward mutually beneficial goals between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities
Relations: Deepen relationships and creative approaches that address the needs of the sector across generations
Stability: Ongoing evaluation to improve Mass Culture’s work. Commit to sustainable practices in operations, programming, and projects
Integrity: Conducting ethical research, collecting accurate data, valuing transparency, and embracing debate
Mass Culture’s Research Priorities are:
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