Harnessing the power of research to learn and generate new insights, enabling the arts community to be strategic, focused and adaptive.

Research Reports

Mapping Canadian Arts Service Organizations as Cultural Research Conduits

This MC Research Project was in partnership with Toronto Metropolitan University and is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. This initiative sought to provide insight into the Arts Service Organization (ASO) sector in Canada, with specific attention paid to the role ASOs play in generating research. The project produced a living map, as well as a report by Dr. Miranda Campbell.

The Futures of Arts Work

This MC Research Project is in partnership with LeSage Arts Management and is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, and seeks to explore what the best approaches are for Canadian arts and culture organizations to structure their Human Systems/People strategies to respond to the current climate.

State of Emergence

This MC Research Project is in partnership with Art of Festivals and is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts. This initiative explores online capabilities for fostering inclusive dialogue, giving voice to a plurality of perspectives and building a community of practice.

Arts for Mental Health

Mass Culture in partnership with Mississauga Arts Council hosted the Arts for Mental Health Conference on October 6, 2021.

Tools and Templates

Looking for research tools or templates? Let us know – email [email protected].

Coming soon! Evaluation framework, Contract templates for researchers

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