Mass Culture, Mobilisation culturelle.

Mass Culture is an arts support organization that strives to harness the power of research to learn and generate new insights, enabling the arts community to be strategic, focused and adaptive.

‘Your voice in policy development: understanding the pathways in’ by Tara Mazurk & Colm O’Sullivan, PAA Advisory | Conseils

Tara Mazurk and Colm O’Sullivan, PAA Advisory | Conseils share some guidance for doing arts advocacy, as part of the T.RA.I.N workshop series. T.R.A.I.N took place from September 2022 until March 2023.

This is Part 2 in our series. If you missed Part 1, please see our blog post here on getting started in arts advocacy

Engaging in advocacy means to walk pathways into the policy landscape and align goals between worlds – arts & culture, and government.

Knowing what makes up the pathways into policy development is a key skill that any new advocate quickly learns. We learn so most often by being reactive to opportunities and/or through trial-and-error. But what happens when we understand the map a little bit better beforehand? We’re here to lay out the opportunities in advance, so you can keep an eye out to be responsive, intentional, and strategically prepared to express your voice and build lasting relationships and impact in policy.

Our growing community in the T.R.A.I.N Why Bother?! Arts Advocacy & Activism series expressed an interest in understanding the government structure. We listened, and have laid out below some opportunities where you can express your issues and move forward in policy decision-making spaces. 

✨ Reference slides

Here's what's next

Next up in the advocacy playbook, we’ll figure out – who should I be talking to in government? Speaking as lobbyists ourselves, we know first-hand that access to government is not limited to lobbyists. We’ll walk you through an immersive experience of building a strategic government contact list. 

February 8th: Who to talk to in government? Build your government network, even if you don’t yet know anyone! Access to government contacts isn’t reserved for lobbyists. But we can learn from the lobbyists themselves – PAA Advisory | Conseils – who will share the most important, simple tips for finding out who’s who in government, how to reach out, and what it takes to build meaningful, lasting relationships. Register here.

Meet the Author

MC Minds

MC Minds (our blog, podcast, and videos) will inspire, educate, question, connect and journey through knowledge on arts and culture research topics across Canada.

Would you like to recommend someone for an interview with MC Minds? Contact Kathryn at [email protected].

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